Part 99: This place seems more a house of horrors with every step we take.

Okay, I expected a lot, but not this.

Hmm...I don't see anyone around.

No way!

It can't be...archaisms?!

But these things...They're the same as the ones that showed up in the mine! So they really are society-controlled archaisms.


'Cept they ain't 'archaic.' They're like the ones that assaulted us on the Ahnenburg. They were made recently.

But it's strange...Despite all the noise we made, I don't see or hear anyone coming.

Yeah, you're right...

You'd think that Anelace or even one of the Enforcers would come to investigate.

Those things were probably on some kind of automated patrol.

Looks like we really do need to check every corner.
We can't do anything about these colored locks just yet.

This is the main gate.

Now it's open.

The blue Vogels will summon more reds if they've been damaged.

Thank Aidios, you're safe! Kurt told us what happened and we came as soon as we--

Hold on...Something's up.



He's been taken!

Oh, no!
-The Fate of the Fairies-
Nope. Not doing that again.

How the heck does he manage...swings like that?

He's just like the Ravens who were controlled at the lighthouse...

Now, then...


Grant! You're okay!

Looks like you have a grasp on what happened.

Yeah...Can't remember the face, but someone...hijacked my mind or something.

I was ordered to stop any other intruders coming through here.

It must be that professor guy...

Grant, where are Carna and Anelace? Do you know?

I don't...We got separated, and they caught us each alone. They're probably chained up in their own minds somewhere in here like I was...



Here, give me your shoulder. We've got a boat on the beach, we'll take you there.

Nah, I'm okay. I know the layout of the building, so I can get out on my own...

I won't drag you guys down any further...Just...please, find Carna and Anelace.


Yeah...Leave it to us!

For now we just need to trust him and keep movin'.

There's two more, right?


Let's move quickly, then.
[Archaism Classification] The orbal droid weapons utilized by the society are modeled after the ancient archaism weapons and developed by the research organization the 'Thirteen Factories,' under the direct command of an Anguis.
Furthermore, these facilities produce primarily standardized humanoid units, such as both types of patrol units, the 'Vogel,' the scout unit 'Port Seeker,' as well as the combat unit 'Vanguard,' but development based on the Guardian for new...(XFOLLOWING TEXT REDACTED)
Received Red Cardkey.

Why is it here of all places...?

And far more importantly, why are there TWO of them now? This is already complicated enough, world, thanks.

I agree...

This place seems more a house of horrors with every step we take.
Remember these?

This where I finally noticed that the Vogels are immune to petrify and deathblow. Good job, me.

Gotta put on those Night Goggles again.

There's some loot in the southeast corner.

The path forward is to the north.

We must fight, then.
-The Fate of the Fairies-
Carna can still impede, and now it hits pretty hard. She's fast enough that Kloe didn't have a chance to get any spells off. I probably should have put a Cast quartz on her for this fight.

Grenade Shot has a chance to Faint.

Glad I had Kaempfer in effect for that.

All right, my turn.


You managed to get here, huh...?

Carna, are you okay?

Aside from feeling like I was run over by an airship...yeah, I'm okay.

More importantly, did you find the others?

We beat the mind control out of Grant just a bit ago.

We haven't seen Anelace, though. I'm kinda worried...

I see...

I'm guessing you also had a run in with an Enforcer or three.

No, we've been hip deep in machines, but no Enforcers. Aside from you guys, there doesn't seem to be anyone here at all, actually.

Really? That's strange...There were a few dozen research staff and jaegers on guard here when we infiltrated.

I guess it's possible they've abandoned the base...


We shouldn't let our guard down, but it does look that way.

I should be able to make it out on my own. Please, find Anelace as soon as you can.

Leave it to us!
[Treatment of Combatants] Temporary combatants acquired from jaeger corps and other sources receive the following treatments:
1: Physical Enhancement Program 2: Combat Technique Enhancement Program 3: Chain of Command Obedience Program 4: Protection of Secrecy Hypnosis Program (XFOLLOWING TEXT REDACTED)
Received Green Cardkey.
Neither the red nor green keys will open this lock, and you can't even see what color it is. That is a serious fire hazard and I wish to lodge a complaint with the Anguis in charge of workplace safety immediately.


The first floor had a green lock as well.
Found a scrap of paper with a Naptime Cookie recipe on it.

[Attack/STR800/Inflicts Sleep 100%]
A sedative soaked baked treat(?). Does drowsy damage.
Unlike most of the party, Zane actually gets a new craft in SC and it's something he sorely needed: a ranged AoE attack.

Thunder God Kick is also kind of broken, due to a glitch.

It's supposed to hit every target once, but instead it hits them once for each enemy targeted.

For example, three enemies will take three hits apiece. Start spamming that Lost Mobius.

Both of the big cases in this room say the same thing:
A large Gospel sits here.

That's a Gospel, isn't it?

It seems to be, yes.

It looks like one, at least...

Doesn't look like we can do anything with it...

Must be part of their experiments.

We need to pin her down for a minute!
-The Fate of the Fairies-

Anelace does still have her Piercing Wave S-Craft, so watch out for that. I was pretty lucky to avoid it here.

When in the heck did that little goof get so strong, anyway?

All right, let's wake her up.


Even Kevin's here, too...Thank you for coming to save me...

Anelace, you feel okay?

Y-Yeah...Nothing a soak at Elmo can't fix.

More importantly...the others?

It's okay, they've all been freed.

You're the last one we've found!

Oh, I see...That's good...

Sorry, Estelle...I promised we'd have a big rival fight, but I didn't want it to be like this...

Don't worry, you silly. It's thanks to your team that we knew about this place at all! You guys did a great job scouting out their base.


Oh, scouting job! Right! Estelle, I...There's something I've gotta tell you!

Huh? What?

Um, well, um...While we were running around, I...I spotted Joshua!



When the jaegers were chasing us down, he showed up and broke through their lines. I recognized his clothes and black hair. I'm...pretty sure it was him...



Oh! Uh, sorry.

So, Anelace, don't leave it THERE! Where'd Joshua go?!

I'm not sure...We managed to get out of that spot, but ultimately they caught us.

He could have headed for the roof, though.

The roof?

There's some kind of airship dock on the roof of this building. I remember the soldiers and researchers heading that way.

Okay, then!

Anelace. You think you can get out on your own?

Yeah...I'll be okay.

This place is like a...a horror show. There might still be something in here... careful!

Never thought Joshua would be here too...

Let's get to the roof!

[About (Beta)] Based on the data collected from the experiments performed throughout Liberl, the Beta has entered the final tuning phase. This emulator fully simulates the functionality of the original and manages a 90% synchronization rate with orbal fields. As a result, its size has increased, but execution of the Gospel Plan should be...(XFOLLOWING TEXT REDACTED)
Received Blue Cardkey.
There are blue locks all throughout the laboratory.

I'm pretty sure we'll get reinforcements from the guild and army soon...Don't go crazy just yet, okay?

I can't believe that black-haired boy managed to get so far in on his own...

I hope he's safe, at least...

I think...Joshua probably headed for the roof.

Estelle, be careful, okay?
Kloe's S-Craft heal has been boosted from 3500 HP, to 12000.

Alright. Everybody, get naked.

Or at least put on some Skull Pendants, and all these crappy old quartz.
-Disappearing Star-